Results for 'J. Kenneth MacKinnon'

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  1.  27
    Heracles' Intention in His Second Request of Hyllus: Trach. 1216–51.J. Kenneth MacKinnon - 1971 - Classical Quarterly 21 (01):33-.
    Commentators on the Trachiniae, when dealing with Heracles' second request of Hyllus, normally take it that the dying hero asks his son to marry Iole, Heracles' concubine. Such a request on the part of any Greek in Heracles' situation would be puzzling. It is specially so on the part of Heracles, who has not been notable in the drama up to this point for tenderness to his womenfolk, having given no consideration to Deianeira's sentiments in the matter of his liaison (...)
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    Research ethics: Participants’ perceptions of motivation, randomisation and withdrawal in a randomised controlled trial of interventions for prevention of depression.J. B. Grant, A. J. Mackinnon, H. Christensen & J. Walker - 2009 - Journal of Medical Ethics 35 (12):768-733.
    Aims and background: Little is known about how participants perceive prevention trials, particularly trials designed to prevent mental illness. This study examined participants’ motives for participating in a trial and their views of randomisation and the ability to withdraw from a randomised controlled trial for prevention of depression. Methods: Participants were older adults reporting elevated depression symptoms living in urban and regional locations in Australia who had consented to participate in an RCT of interventions to prevent depression. Participants rated their (...)
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    Curiously, Fetishism Can Be Fun.Kenneth MacKinnon - 2001 - Film-Philosophy 5 (1).
    Laura Mulvey _Fetishism and Curiosity_ London: British Film Institute, 1996 ISBN: 0-85170-5480 hbk, 0-85170-5472 pbk xv + 175 pp.
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    The Trouble with The Trouble with Men, on Masculinities in European and Hollywood Cinema, editied by Phil Powrie, Ann Davies, and Bruce Babington.Kenneth MacKinnon - 2005 - Film-Philosophy 9 (2).
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    Classics and Cinema Martin M. Winkler (ed.): Classics and Cinema. (Bucknell Review.) Pp. 283; 15 photos. Lewisburg/London and Toronto: Bucknell University Press/Associated University Presses, 1991. $21. [REVIEW]Kenneth Mackinnon - 1992 - The Classical Review 42 (02):423-424.
  6.  42
    The Open and Closed Mind: Investigations into the Nature of Belief Systems and Personality Systems.William J. MacKinnon - 1961 - Philosophy of Science 28 (3):324-327.
  7.  45
    The True Believer; Thoughts on the Nature of Mass Movements.William J. MacKinnon - 1959 - Philosophy of Science 26 (4):376-378.
  8. The Fate of Modern Culture.J. V. L. Casserley, D. M. Mackinnon & E. L. Mascall - 1941 - Philosophy 16 (61):103-104.
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  9.  54
    An evolutionary inquiry into future human systems.William J. MacKinnon - 1973 - World Futures 13 (1):95-109.
  10.  44
    Countertheses: Communication, material conditions, and future sociocultural development.William J. MacKinnon - 1968 - World Futures 7 (1):41-53.
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    Operationalizing the Relation Between Affect and Cognition With the Somatic Transform.Neil J. MacKinnon & Jesse Hoey - 2021 - Emotion Review 13 (3):245-256.
    This article introduces the somatic transform that operationalizes the relation between affect and cognition at the psychological level of analysis by capitalizing on the relation between the cogni...
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  12. Symposium : Are There A Priori Concepts?D. M. Mackinnon, W. G. Maclagan & J. L. Austin - 1939 - Aristotelian Society Supplementary Volume 18 (1):49 - 105.
  13.  19
    The Reason for the Danaids' Flight.J. K. MacKinnon - 1978 - Classical Quarterly 28 (01):74-.
    The central question of Aeschylus' Supplices has usually been taken to be the reason for the flight of the Danaids. The most exhaustive guide to the many theories, of varying plausibility, which have been developed to account for this flight is provided by A. F. Garvie's book on the Supplices. For present purposes, therefore, it is unnecessary to examine any but the two most acceptable theories in detail. Nevertheless, a brief summary, prior to this examination, of two other, initially attractive, (...)
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  14.  75
    The Philosophy of Niels Bohr: The Framework of Complementarity. Henry J. Folse.Edward MacKinnon - 1986 - Philosophy of Science 53 (3):458-459.
  15.  54
    Review of Kenneth Joseph Arrow: Social Choice and Individual Values[REVIEW]Kenneth J. Arrow - 1952 - Ethics 62 (3):220-222.
  16.  17
    On Ethics and Economics: Conversations with Kenneth J. Arrow.Kenneth J. Arrow & Kristen Renwick Monroe - 2016 - New York: Routledge. Edited by Kristen Renwick Monroe & Nicholas Monroe Lampros.
    Part intellectual autobiography and part exposition of complex yet contemporary economic ideas, this lively conversation with renowned scholar and public intellectual Kenneth J. Arrow focuses on economics and politics in light of history, current events, and philosophy as well. Reminding readers that economics is about redistribution and thus about how we treat each other, Arrow shows that the intersection of economics and ethics is of concern not just to economists but for the public more broadly. With a foreword by (...)
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  17. From Voluntary to Relational Action: Responsibility in Question Kenneth J. Gergen.Kenneth J. Gergen - 2007 - In Sabine Maasen & Barbara Sutter, On willing selves: neoliberal politics vis-à-vis the neuroscientific challenge. New York: Plagrave Macmiilan. pp. 193.
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  18.  91
    Reflections on a catalytic companion Kenneth J. Gergen.Kenneth J. Gergen - 1990 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 20 (4):305–321.
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  19. Understanding According to Bernard J. F. Lonergan, S. J. - Part I.Edward M. Mackinnon - 1964 - The Thomist 28 (2):97.
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  20. Understanding According to Bernard J. F. Lonergan, S. J. - Part II.Edward Mackinnon - 1964 - The Thomist 28 (3):338-372.
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  21. Understanding According to Bernard J. F. Lonergan, S. J. - Part III.Edward Mackinnon - 1964 - The Thomist 28 (4):475-522.
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  22.  42
    Autocracy and Democracy: An Experimental Inquiry. Ralph White, Ronald Lippitt. [REVIEW]William J. MacKinnon - 1962 - Philosophy of Science 29 (2):209-212.
  23.  42
    Enchiridion Ethicum.A Sermon, Preached before the House of Commons, March 31, 1647.Biathanatos.Conway Letters, The Correspondence of Anne, Viscountess Conway, Henry More. [REVIEW]Flora I. MacKinnon, Henry More, Ralph Cudworth, John Donne, J. William Hebel & Marjorie Hope Nicholson - 1931 - Journal of Philosophy 28 (17):466.
  24.  47
    Essays on the Philosophy of George Berkeley. Edited by Ernest Sosa. [REVIEW]Barbara J. MacKinnon - 1989 - Modern Schoolman 66 (4):305-306.
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  25.  31
    The Humanist Frame. Julian Huxley. [REVIEW]William J. MacKinnon - 1963 - Philosophy of Science 30 (4):402-403.
  26. Beyond mind-reading: multi-voxel pattern analysis of fMRI data.Kenneth A. Norman, Sean M. Polyn, Greg J. Detre & James V. Haxby - 2006 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 10 (9):424-430.
  27.  2
    God, sex and war.Donald MacKenzie MacKinnon (ed.) - 1965 - Philadelphia,: Westminster Press.
    Ethical problems of nuclear warfare, by D. M. MacKinnon.-Ethical problems of sex, by H. Root.-Personal relations before marriage, by H. Montefiore.-Conduct and faith, by J. Burnaby.
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  28. Gifts and exchanges.Kenneth J. Arrow - 1972 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 1 (4):343-362.
  29.  96
    Relational being: beyond self and community.Kenneth J. Gergen - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Prologue: Toward a new Enlightenment -- From bounded to relational being -- Bounded being -- In the beginning is the relationship -- The relational self -- The body as relationship : emotion, pleasure and pain -- Relational being in everyday life -- Multi-being and the adventure of everyday life -- Bonds, barricades, and beyond -- Relational being in practice -- Knowledge as co-creation -- Education in a relational key -- Therapy as relational recovery -- Organizing : the precarious balance -- (...)
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  30.  28
    Mediation Analysis with Survival Outcomes: Accelerated Failure Time vs. Proportional Hazards Models.Lois A. Gelfand, David P. MacKinnon, Robert J. DeRubeis & Amanda N. Baraldi - 2016 - Frontiers in Psychology 7.
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  31.  19
    The new materialism.S. J. Edward M. Mackinnon - 1967 - Heythrop Journal 8 (1):5–26.
  32.  20
    Causal Mediation Analysis in the Presence of Post-treatment Confounding Variables: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study.Yasemin Kisbu-Sakarya, David P. MacKinnon, Matthew J. Valente & Esra Çetinkaya - 2020 - Frontiers in Psychology 11:554112.
    In many disciplines, mediating processes are usually investigated with randomized experiments and linear regression to determine if the treatment affects the outcome through a mediator. However, randomizing the treatment will not yield accurate causal direct and indirect estimates unless certain assumptions are satisfied since the mediator status is not randomized. This study describes methods to estimate causal direct and indirect effects and reports the results of a large Monte Carlo simulation study on the performance of the ordinary regression and modern (...)
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  33.  82
    Ayer's Attack on Metaphysics.D. M. MacKinnon - 1991 - Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement 30:49-61.
    In an article contributed to Mind in 1934, the young A. J. Ayer declared war on metaphysics, claiming that his destruction of the metaphysicians' arguments rested on the establishment of the sheerly non-sensical character of their statements. Their errors were syntactical; the combination of symbols in the sentences with which they expressed their propositions violated fundamental principles of significance.
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  34. Extended sympathy and the possibility of social choice.Kenneth J. Arrow - 1978 - Philosophia 7 (2):223-237.
  35.  80
    Consciousness: A Philosophic Study of Minds and Machines.J. R. Lucas & Kenneth M. Sayre - 1972 - Philosophical Review 81 (2):241.
  36.  22
    The COVID-19 Crisis and Clinical Ethics in New York City.Kenneth M. Prager & Joseph J. Fins - 2020 - Journal of Clinical Ethics 31 (3):228-232.
    The COVID-19 pandemic that struck New York City in the spring of 2020 was a natural experiment for the clinical ethics services of NewYork-Presbyterian (NYP). Two distinct teams at NYP’s flagship academic medical centers—at NYP/ Columbia University Medical Center (Columbia) and NYP/ Weill Cornell Medical Center (Weill Cornell)—were faced with the same pandemic and operated under the same institutional rules. Each campus used time as an heuristic to analyze our collective response. The Columbia team compares consults during the pandemic with (...)
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  37.  73
    Corporate Social Responsibility in SMEs: A Shift from Philanthropy to Institutional Works?Kenneth Amaeshi, Emmanuel Adegbite, Chris Ogbechie, Uwafiokun Idemudia, Konan Anderson Seny Kan, Mabumba Issa & Obianuju I. J. Anakwue - 2016 - Journal of Business Ethics 138 (2):385-400.
    Corporate Social Responsibility amongst Small and Medium Enterprises is often characterised in the literature as unstructured, informal and ad hoc discretionary philanthropic activities. Drawing insights from recent theoretical/analytical frameworks :52–78, 2010), and on empirical data collected from both Nigeria and Tanzania, we found that CSR practices in SMEs are much more nuanced than previously presented. In addition, SMEs undertake their CSR practices to varying degrees in multiple spaces—i.e. the workplace, marketplace, community and the ecological environment. These CSR practices go beyond (...)
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    Electron imaging technology for whole brain neural circuit mapping.Kenneth J. Hayworth - 2012 - International Journal of Machine Consciousness 4 (01):87-108.
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  39.  62
    An Inductive Model of Collaboration From the Stakeholder’s Perspective.Kenneth D. Butterfield, Richard Reed & David J. Lemak - 2004 - Business and Society 43 (2):162-195.
    This work emerged from funded research examining collaboration among stake-holder organizations present at three U.S. nuclear weapons complex sites. The authors examine issues such as how and why stakeholder groups form collaborative alliances when dealing with the target organization, what leaders of stakeholder organizations actually think about when collaborating to deal with the target organization, and what outcomes result from the collaboration process. Drawing on stakeholder theory and research in interorganizational collaboration, the authors used an inductive, interview-based methodology to build (...)
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  40.  94
    Exposition of the theory of choice under uncertainty.Kenneth J. Arrow - 1966 - Synthese 16 (3-4):253 - 269.
  41.  58
    An examination of cheating and its antecedents among marketing and management Majors.Kenneth J. Smith, Jeanette A. Davy & Debbie Easterling - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 50 (1):63-80.
    This study examines cheating behaviors among 742 marketing and management majors at three public AACSB-accredited business schools. Specifically, we studied the simultaneous influence of demographic and attitudinal characteristics on: (1) reported prior cheating behavior; (2) the tendency to neutralize cheating behaviors; and, (3) likelihood of future cheating. We additionally examined the impact of in-class deterrents on neutralization of cheating behaviors and the likelihood of future cheating. We also directly tested potential mediating effects of neutralization on cheating behavior.We conducted independent assessments (...)
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  42.  69
    Trade‐Offs Between Grounded and Abstract Representations: Evidence From Algebra Problem Solving.Kenneth R. Koedinger, Martha W. Alibali & Mitchell J. Nathan - 2008 - Cognitive Science 32 (2):366-397.
    This article explores the complementary strengths and weaknesses of grounded and abstract representations in the domain of early algebra. Abstract representations, such as algebraic symbols, are concise and easy to manipulate but are distanced from any physical referents. Grounded representations, such as verbal descriptions of situations, are more concrete and familiar, and they are more similar to physical objects and everyday experience. The complementary computational characteristics of grounded and abstract representations lead to trade‐offs in problem‐solving performance. In prior research with (...)
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  43.  21
    Detecting anomalous features in complex stimuli: The role of structured comparison.Kenneth J. Kurtz & Dedre Gentner - 2013 - Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 19 (3):219.
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  44.  32
    Analyzing the components of clinical inference.Kenneth R. Hammond, Carolyn J. Hursch & Frederick J. Todd - 1964 - Psychological Review 71 (6):438-456.
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  45.  61
    From Mirroring to World‐Making: Research as Future Forming.Kenneth J. Gergen - 2015 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 45 (3):287-310.
    After decades of acrimonious debate on the nature of scientific knowledge, researchers in the human or social sciences are reaching a state of relative equanimity, a condition that may be characterized as a reflective pragmatism. Yet, even while the context has favored the development of new forms of research, the longstanding ocular metaphor of inquiry remains pervasive. That is, researchers continue the practice of observing what is the case, with the intent to illuminate, understand, report on, or furnish insight into (...)
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  46. Molinism and compatibilism.Kenneth J. Perszyk - 2000 - International Journal for Philosophy of Religion 48 (1):11-33.
  47.  29
    Kenneth Mackinnon: Greek Tragedy into Film. Pp. ix+199; 8 illus. London and Sydney: Croom Helm, 1986. £22.50. [REVIEW]Greg Giesekam - 1987 - The Classical Review 37 (2):333-334.
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  48.  23
    Christ, Ethics and Tragedy: Essays in Honour of Donald Mackinnon.Kenneth Surin (ed.) - 1989 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Donald MacKinnon, Emeritus Professor of Divinity at Cambridge, has been the most influential philosopher of religion in Britain during the twentieth century. His work has ranged widely, covering such topics as the metaphysics of Aristotle, the ethical significance of tragedy, Kant's epistemology, Christology, the relations between Marxism and Christianity, and trinitarian reflection. The essays in this volume constitute the proceedings of a conference on MacKinnon's work, held in Cambridge in 1986. They take as their starting point the writings (...)
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  49.  35
    Culturally Inclusive Psychology from a Constructionist Standpoint.Kenneth J. Gergen - 2015 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 45 (1):95-107.
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  50.  15
    Beliefs about the nature of science and the enacted science curriculum.Kenneth Tobin & Campbell J. McRobbie - 1997 - Science & Education 6 (4):355-371.
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